This post is a poem that i have written regarding my Cherry Blossom tree and the inevitable nostalgia that arises from life on the move, as an expat.
Dear Cherry Blossom
Dear Cherry Blossom
I remember you, fondly
The beautiful hues of pink that your flower exudes
The petals that the gentle breeze would whisk down to me
The way your branches outstretch in its full glory
And shelter me from the harsh rays of the Sun.
Oh Cherry Blossom tree; how I miss your cycles
Autumn, Winner, Spring & Summer
How I envy your root; fixed firmly under the soil
Entrenched, permanent, everlasting
You have nothing to fear; not even the tree surgeon
As he cuts you with his chainsaw leaving only a stump
Remember you still have your roots firmly planted
The blessings of nature is the curse of man
Our feet move us, the elements move us
Abandoning our roots, once twice, thrice
With no soil or bedding to bind us
I leave you dear cherry blossom tree
You may not have me,
And I may not have you
But you have your roots
But you have your roots