There was an exhibition running by a Japanese person, one or two photos were on view and i was lured in by the photograph of the Japanese geisha girl that was bound on the street. I also have a friend obsessed by anything Japan so i thought id go in and report on her behalf.
So i push the door, it doesn't budge (always embarrassing when that happens) the sign says ring the bell so i do. A stout Dutchman with a ponytail, circular glasses dressed in smart attire opens the door.
"Hi, i was wondering if you had a leaflet on the current exhibition i could take away with me" i say conscious that my aim was Starbucks not gallery diversions.
"I'm afraid we have none, but youre more than welcome to come in and have a look" he replies making a hand gesture for me to come in.
" Sure" i say walking in. The gallery was relatively empty with but two visitors
"Ummm i don't think you'll like this" a friend of mine suggests but i shrug and go in anyway.
The first photo i see was the same Japanese Geisha girl bound and semi clothed concealing anything normal and exposing everything that really should not be in graphic taste. I was shocked, as i turned slowly with a blunt smile on my face i could see the curator and his two visitors look at me intently.
"Thanks but its not for me"
"'Too hardcore?" he suggests
"Yes" I nod as i exit.
A part of me couldn't help but think there was some sense of purpose and humour in letting a seemingly unaware conservatively dressed Muslim girl into a graphic photo gallery. Perhaps it would be his ice-breaker at future events?
Well that's a lesson learned for me and i hope you, don't walk into obscure galleries without confirming the theme or you may be very unpleasantly surprised.
Supermarket Drama
When your husband pops into a relatively small local supermarket to pick up bread and milk you dont expect much of a story on their return. But i was fortunate on this occasion, looking absolutely stunned he informs me there was a brawl at the supermarket.
It begun with an argument between a male and a younger female, the younger female armed with a green shopping basket wacks the man on the head. In retaliation he does the same, she then grabs a wine bottle and throws it. A bunch of standbyers rush in to defend the damsel in destress, he pleads for an audience (after all she hit him first) nobody listens. Fight us if your a man! they bellow (the female charm, always works). He clearly didnt and was excorted home by the police to avoid the angry mob waiting for him outside.
Supermarket trips will never be the same again for him.
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